Hotpot And Beer at the Raven

The Raven sings again!!

On Sunday 20th November a very well attended hot pot evening was held at the Raven for local residents. This free event was a chance for people living in close proximity to the Raven to see how the renovations are going and to offer them the chance to acquire information about how to become shareholders.

Members of the management committee were in attendance and were able to chat with prospective shareholders as well as enjoy socialising with our future patrons.

There was a very warm friendly atmosphere, not least due to the wheelbarrow/chiminea combo set up by Bob!! (Barrow in Furnace?)

It was great to see friends and neighbours meeting up, laughing, dancing and enjoying the free beer! We didn't quite manage to drink the place dry but we gave it a good shot!!!


Ales kindly supplied by Copper Dragon Brewery